halloween art spotlight


Posted on November 1, 2019 by


#Inktober and various other art-sharing prompts have been inspirational! Here are some artists who’ve made an impression.

Ni Lynn
Amazing character designs; an artist with a prodigious amount of work to explore!
IG: @_nilynn
Etsy: NiLynnStore

Veronica Holidays
Freelance illustrator with an adorable approach to art.
IG: @veronica_holidays

Charlotte Lia
A self-described eclectic artist. Support her art with a follow on IG.
IG: @madebycharl

Tamara Maasdam / Mighty Moosegoose
A Swedish freelance illustrator, graphic designer and improviser. Her images feature fine detail and showcase a whimsical imagination.
IG: @mightymoosegoose
Patreon: mightymoosegoose

Ezekiel Ring
Tiny pen & ink drawings featuring a high level of detail.
IG: @ezekielring

Alonso León
An artist with a loose, vibrant style from Sonora, Mexico.
IG: @sketchshaka

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